Through liposuction, Dr. Harvey helps patients who wish to improve their body contour by providing this safe procedure at a state-of-the-art hospital facility.
Liposuction Q&A
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical operation commonly performed on both men and women that is used to slim, reshape, and contour the body by extracting excess fat deposits. The procedure can be combined with other operations such as a tummy tuck. Liposuction can be used for removing fat deposits in the:
· Abdomen, waist and flanks
· Calves and ankles
· Cheeks, neck, and chin
· Hips and buttocks
· Inner knee
· Chest area
· Upper arms
· Thighs
· Back
What do I need to know before undergoing liposuction?
A consultation with Dr. Harvey should be the first step when considering liposuction. During the consultation, you'll discuss the options, risks, benefits, and costs associated with the procedure. At this time, you should also tell Dr. Harvey of any medications or supplements you might be taking and ask any questions that you might have. It will also be important to remember that liposuction is designed for those who have not been able to achieve results with diet and exercise alone. These healthy habits will need to continue following the procedure to ensure the results last.
What results can I expect from liposuction?
Following surgery, Dr. Harvey will provide the patient with detailed instructions for home care. He may also prescribe medications to support healing. Once the initial inflammation and fluid retention from the surgery has gone down, results will be evident. As time goes on and individuals age, some of the firmness can reduce. Generally, compression bandages or garments can help after surgery. Patients will be instructed as to when they should return for a follow-up appointment and provided with information helpful in prolonging the results.
When should I consider liposuction or other body adjustments?
You might consider liposuction if:
• You experience localized deposits of fat which can occur in various areas of the body, including but not limited to – stomach, flanks, love handles, back fat, excess chest/breast fat in men (gynecomastia), outer bra underarm area ‘pooching’, thighs, buttocks, knees and ankles
• You have lost a considerable amount of weight but still have that stomach ‘pooch’
• You would like to see a more contoured body shape
• Your skin elasticity is good
Also known as brachioplasty.
You might consider an upper arm lift if:
• You have excess hanging skin and/or fat in your upper arm region that cannot be tackled with liposuction alone. This issue is sometimes referred to as ‘bat wings’
• You have lost a considerable amount of weight resulting in sagging excess upper arm skin
This is a term that includes multiple procedures on a post pregnancy body. This surgery may include a tummy tuck, liposuction and breast surgery (breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction).
You may wish to consider a Mommy Makeover if:
• Your body has gone through changes post-pregnancy that you would like corrected
• You would like to regain some of your pre-pregnancy body contour
• You would like to look and feel better in clothing